Friday, September 9, 2011


Haven't been blogging for a while. Haven't really been angry enough about whatever's been happening here in Malaysia. Wait, there was the Bersih rally and how badly the government handled the situation (which actually got worse thanks to the "peace-keeping" police and FRU), but I guess I was in a state of apathy towards Malaysian politics at that exact time in history. (Note: The news about police firing tear gas into the Tung Shin hospital is true. Just ask anyone you know who works there or was there for treatment.)

But now, something's happened that's made me very very sad and wondering if there is anything we can do to ensure it never happens again....


After 12-years of fighting for their right to stay on the land that they have developed since the time of their ancestors, the indigenous tribes of Sarawak are being thrown out of their ancestral land, and poorly compensated, too. Even with compensation, the resettlement of the Orang Asli tribe in the Penchala area in Selangor has proven that it can only be detrimental to them as they have lost access to the natural resources that have been so instrumental to their livelihoods. Big bungaloes and running water and electricity mean nothing to them when they don't have money for food and can't simply go fishing in a stream or hunting in the forest.

Back in Sarawak, one displaced Ngajang Mudin, of the Ukit tribe, lament about how he and his family has to leave his cocoa and pepper trees as well as the graves of his ancestor, all buried underneath the water. If this was done to a Muslim burial ground here on the Peninsula side of Malaysia, there would have been an uproar over it! And sadly, this will be happening to many more tribesmen and families as the government clears land the size of Singapore! Singapore may not be big for a country, but imagine how many indigenous people could possibly be living in an area that size.

Read the news by AFP here:

I really wonder how anyone can help in any way? The court case undertaken by representatives of the indigenous tribes was thrown out by a unanimous decision by three judges. Unanimous! How is it that not even one of them feel compassion for these people? If you're reading this, I hope at the very least you will keep this info somewhere in your consciousness and be stirred to help these downtrodden "Sons of the Land", or Bumiputera, ironically a term coined by the ruling Malay-majority government themselves to describe the ancestral people of Borneo and Malaysia. Meanwhile, I will have this on the fore of my consciousness as I dig up more info, facts, references and comparisons for a Vanity Fair-style expose that hopefully might be published somewhere someday and help prevent any more similar injustices from taking place.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Busy Busy Bees

There are certain kinds of people who feel the need to announce to the whole world that they are star employees. There are the ones that cc everyone from the CEO to the kakak cleaner their entire conversations (to other people) via email to prove that they are working hard (sending emails, that is). There are the ones that come up to you all the friking time to tell you that all the clients in the world cannot be reached at the moment while never sending you a single email to confirm what they have done and what needs to be done next (until someone else has done the work for them, after which they will again appear busy and ask you if you need anything else).

Then, there are the ones that talk to themselves the entire time they’re at their desk so as to appear working, who sigh and randomly exclaim human expressions like ‘Eh? WTF??” or “Hey! Mumblemumblemumble” so that the bosses know that it’s not their fault they don’t send in their stuff on time – “producing sounds” is a lot of work, you know. Oh, and this last kind, they also jump at the chance to point out when a colleague is wrong, no matter how small the error. Like shouting across the room to ask whether the website URL given earlier by aforementioned (hypothetical) colleague ended in dotcom or dotcomdotmy.

“Oh, apparently it’s dotcom, not dotcomdotmy. Ha ha! You got it wrong!”

Whatever, dude! If it’s a Malaysian company, if you can’t reach the website via dotcomdotmy, it’s most probably just dotcom. Or maybe dotnet or dotbiz or dotmy. It’ll only take you three or four more clicks! Oh I forgot, you need time to make those sounds.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sze Accessories: New Tide October 2010

Accessories designer and peddler Sze Yoong riffs on copycats....

Sze Accessories: New Tide October 2010: "Recently, a friend commented that she chanced upon a blog and thought she was reading mine. She said that the owner of the blog seemed to be..." (click on the link to read more of her blog entry)

How ironic then that some of her pieces are quite similar to designs by Fiona Kotur.....

Oh! Not to mention those Daily Candy necklaces she made (offline, of course) where she simply cuts up pretty drawings from the Daily Candy book, inserted them into locket frames and sold them of in a single event. I wonder how much royalty she paid the Daily Candy illustrator who came up with the unique drawings that made the necklaces so desirable? Would she have been able to sell the necklaces if she had inserted her own doodles into the frames?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I was expecting something more ... errr... unique

There was so much buzz and hype about the Uniqlo store in Bkt Bintang, I should have foreseen me not liking it since I usually despise anything that's too popular with the masses. What's up with all the bubble jackets? Didn't these people visit Malaysia before deciding what they should sell here?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Fun Time!

This blog will be going through changes as I decided that Twitter is not enough for all the rantings, ravings and fun-pokings going on in my head. I think in more than 140 WORDS! Also, I'm too lazy to open up a Twitpic or Plixi account or whatever. Plus, I think it'll be fun to be frank (and bitchy) about subjects that deserve to be bitched about. Especially the ones that other people tend to gloss over (what, are you people blind?) So, yeah, this IS going to be FUN! Wheee!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

They should do more of this

Today, I shamefully read about a Muslim man who had caused the death of his parents in a ritual killing, where he and his cousin beat the old folks with helmets, a table top and the table's legs in hopes of driving out evil from their bodies. Along with his cousin, who abetted the misdeed, he will be jailed for ten years as punishment.

What is shameful is that in this more enlightened age of the Internet, there are people who still believe in violent spiritual cleansing rituals such as this (apparently, the victims believed it, too, as they had consented to the ritual), and these men, being "Muslim", give a bad name to the other Muslims, especially when people are looking to generalise. Also, I think it is shameful that these men are getting only 10 years in jail, for killing your own parents! Whether consented or not, a murder is still a murder. In Western countries, people get more than that for euthanasia.

However, this time I did notice one good thing by the Agence-France Presse, who are fond of attaching the following footnote to almost anything related to Malaysia: "Minority Chinese and Indian citizens fear rising Islamisation in a country with a Muslim Malay majority." Or something to that effect.

Anyhoo, this time their footnote read: "Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country and the authorities periodically crack down on unauthorised sects including the one the accused was a member of."

The authorities should crack down harder on these sects so that we can avoid murders such as the one described, while the AFP should include more remarks like this that paint a more accurate picture of Malaysia (rising Islamisation? yeah, right).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Speed Up!

I just saw on Wikipedia that the word Melayu may have been derived from the word "melaju".

Melayu = Melaju = Accelerate

So Malays, stop being "layu" and instead speed up to "laju" and be more "maju"!