Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sze Accessories: New Tide October 2010

Accessories designer and peddler Sze Yoong riffs on copycats....

Sze Accessories: New Tide October 2010: "Recently, a friend commented that she chanced upon a blog and thought she was reading mine. She said that the owner of the blog seemed to be..." (click on the link to read more of her blog entry)

How ironic then that some of her pieces are quite similar to designs by Fiona Kotur.....

Oh! Not to mention those Daily Candy necklaces she made (offline, of course) where she simply cuts up pretty drawings from the Daily Candy book, inserted them into locket frames and sold them of in a single event. I wonder how much royalty she paid the Daily Candy illustrator who came up with the unique drawings that made the necklaces so desirable? Would she have been able to sell the necklaces if she had inserted her own doodles into the frames?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I was expecting something more ... errr... unique

There was so much buzz and hype about the Uniqlo store in Bkt Bintang, I should have foreseen me not liking it since I usually despise anything that's too popular with the masses. What's up with all the bubble jackets? Didn't these people visit Malaysia before deciding what they should sell here?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Fun Time!

This blog will be going through changes as I decided that Twitter is not enough for all the rantings, ravings and fun-pokings going on in my head. I think in more than 140 WORDS! Also, I'm too lazy to open up a Twitpic or Plixi account or whatever. Plus, I think it'll be fun to be frank (and bitchy) about subjects that deserve to be bitched about. Especially the ones that other people tend to gloss over (what, are you people blind?) So, yeah, this IS going to be FUN! Wheee!