Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My Original 'About Me' has been moved here

Yeah... that was a pretty long description, so thought I should simplify it and post the thing here instead:-

Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera :)

I'm a modern malay muslim in Malaysia who sometimes gets frustrated with Malays, Muslims, Malaysians and, yes, even modernisation. Events that happen in my life often lead me to muse about the state of these affairs, which I'd like to share with somebody, but don't want to bore them to death. Hence, this blog, within which I hope to post opinions, facts and information regarding Malays, Muslims and Malaysians (and maybe even modernisation)that will somehow lead to a change in attitude among the three groups addressed. If anyone actually reads my ramblings, please feel free to debate upon the matter if deemed necessary, and hopefully together we can create a better Malaysia.

I realise that I am but one humble blogger, but I believe that a small incident could lead to a larger chain of events. Something from this blog could stir something in someone's heart, prompting action or change in attitude, and maybe one day Malaysia really would be a place of true racial harmony and tolerance, prosperity, political stability and development in all areas. Amin....

Told ya it's a bit long for the 'About Me' section ;P

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